This is our friendly and caring pre-school. A safe, secure, stimulating and fun environment, where the children learn through play and are prepared for the transition to school life. An OFSTED inspection in March 2019 rated Jigsaw as ‘Good’.

The aim is to:

  • Inspire, motivate and challenge all children to reach their full potential
  • Build confident, caring, independent children who have high self-esteem
  • Develop in children a strong sense of right and wrong

This is achieved by creating an environment that is –

  • Safe and stimulating
  • Fun, exciting and innovative
  • Well-resourced and well planned
  • Inclusive for all
For full details see the Jigsaw website.

To find out more, email Jigsaw Admissions.

Click on the picture below to see our video tour and discover our pre-school through our latest video.