Our purpose is to encounter, celebrate and share God’s transforming love.
Sunday Services
There are four services every Sunday in church:
- 8.00am – Holy Communion
- 9.30am – Contemporary Service
- 11.30am – Traditional Service
- 6.00pm – The Six
Details of all our services can be found here.
Watch Our Live-Streamed Services
Our 9.30am service is live-streamed every Sunday – watch live or catch-up on our YouTube channel.

Praying For You
We are here to pray for you and with you – whether it’s for yourself, or someone else. No prayer is too big or too small.
Email: prayer@htclaygate.org
Morning Prayer
All are welcome for a 20 minute prayer time weekdays at 9am on Zoom and in-person, with sung worship, at church each Wednesday.
Morning Prayer covers a range of topics relating to the church, our community and world.
To receive the link via weekly email sign up here.

Small Groups
Small groups are a great way to stay or get connected with the church family.
To learn more about joining a group contact Katherine Miller or church members can request to join a group via ChurchSuite.

Giving Online
Everything we do is made possible by the gifts we receive.
To make a donation securely online click here. We accept debit and credit cards. We use ChurchSuite to collect your details.
Find other ways to give

Way Maker Project
Our churchyard is a beautiful yet hidden gem in the centre of Claygate. Our vision is to share it with the wider Claygate community.
We Need Your Views!
We want to create a peaceful space to encourage the wellbeing of body, mind and spirit – a welcoming place for people to come and enjoy God’s creation.
Can you fill out our community survey to give us your opinion on the planned Way Maker project – it may help us secure vital funding to get the project off the ground.
Click here to fill out the survey
Find out more here

Could this be you?
Pastoral Care & Seniors Ministry Administrator
We’re seeking someone with proven organisational and technical skills to help support our Pastoral Care and Seniors Team.

Listen again
Our sermons are recorded so you can catch up or listen again.
Below you can find recordings of sermons, our ministers and guest speakers have given at recent Holy Trinity services.
To listen, select the link below to listen online or download. Alternatively, CD copies can be ordered from the Church Office.
Recommended recordings
- The way of the Spirit | Patrick Bateman - 9 February | 6PM - 2 Cor 2:12 - 36
- The way of forgiveness | Julian Coy - 2 February | 6PM - 1 Cor 2:1-11
- The way of forgiveness | Katherine Miller - 2 February | 9:30AM - 1 Cor 2:1-11
- The way of Comfort | Katherine Willis - 26 January | 9:30AM - 2 Cor 1:1-11
- Growing in Praise & Worship! | Louise Campion - 19 January | 6PM - Psalm 145
See all